Daemonophobia follows a story about an unlikely duo of toons set in the 1930’s: One being a demon that has a frequent tendency to be mischievous and demented. The poor toon that tolerates this demon’s ludicrous behavior is a feminine, hyper and cheerful librarian named Screwball. While they are as different as hot sauce and bubblegum, they begin to form an unlikely relationship with one another, much to their surprise. But as a foe from the past makes a return to finish an unfinished job, the two toons will soon discover that all they have is each other.
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The People Behind the Scenes
Meet the individual team members that are the heart of Daemonophobia!
Artist and writer
The heart of the comic and the creator of Smiler!
Inker and co-writer
The inker behind the scenes! The creator of Screwball!